Master Site Plan


The Master Plan arranges courtyard housing in walkable blocks around tree-lined parks, focusing on a neighborhood shopping street and social destination serving the surrounding community. The plan will create several alternative venues for outdoor gatherings and recreational activities. The Jefferson Union High School District (JUHSD) envisions a walkable, bikeable, safe, family-friendly neighborhood with shopping, park space and fitness trails.

Building a Neighborhood

The transformation of the former school site was initiated with the start of construction of 122 units of Faculty and Staff Housing on Parcel A. JUHSD anticipates six building parcels plus several common areas and streets open to the public.

Parcel B is beginning design and planned for construction next. Parcels A and B can be built with the existing school district offices continuing operation. The full build-out of the remainder of the neighborhood is estimated to take between eight and fifteen years.

Workforce and affordable housing indicated in yellow.

Housing Equity

The school district is committed to an inclusive community with the building of new housing. How we invest in our community will shape the attractiveness of the neighborhood. Our Master Plan proposes to exceed the City’s 10% below market rate (BMR) rental housing requirement. Combined with the Faculty and Staff Housing under construction, 20% of our housing will be low and moderate-income rental housing for a total of approximately 245 units and the balance of up to 990 units will be market rate rental housing.

Preserving Head Start

Our school district is committed to working with Head Start to accommodate a long-term home on-site for the preschool. The Master Plan accommodates Head Start’s program needs for a 1,400 square foot facility with two classrooms, outdoor play areas, and parking at Parcel D2. We are committed to supporting Head Start’s effort to fundraise for the buildout of their new facilities.

Typical Mid-rise Building Section

Innovative Housing Solutions

To address the critical housing shortage in the Bay Area, architects are developing innovative higher density housing solutions to create high-quality urban living. Drawing upon successful projects in San Mateo County, the District’s design team plans for up to four different “types” of buildings. Buildings will vary in efficiency of using land, configuring parking, orienting ground floor activity and construction technology. Each site wraps housing around a courtyard which is the most efficient and livable way to arrange urban living. From lowest to highest density, building types for the housing are:

  • Four stories of wood frame with surface parking (Parcel A)
  • Four stories of wood or metal frame over a concrete “podium” of structured parking
  • Up to seven stories comprised of 5 stories of wood or metal frame and two to three stories of concrete podium
  • Up to a maximum of 14 stories of light weight steel and concrete construction which includes up to four stories of a concrete parking podium

Heights and Views

The Serramonte Del Rey neighborhood project is located on an out-of-sight hillside setting that is ideal for higher density housing. To the north and south of the site is multi-family housing. To the west is high-density single-family housing. Buildings will be set into the hillside, largely obscuring them from view. From public streets, new housing will be visible along Serramonte Boulevard and south from Campus Drive. Existing hillside woodlands to the east block views from Callan Boulevard.

The master plan envisions two courtyard housing sites that could include residential towers. Of the six parcels, there are three potential parcels to locate these two residential towers: Parcels C, E, or F. 

Two of the three parcels indicated in orange could include a residential tower.

Active Transportation for Healthy Living

The school district advocates for a neighborhood designed for active transportation for healthy living. The Master Plan’s streets are designed for daily exercise with walkable and bikeable streets. These “complete streets” advance Daly City’s Vision Zero program to reduce pedestrian traffic fatalities to zero. Alternative transportation options are supported such as ride hailing services, electric vehicles, shuttles and use of the frequent bus service to BART at Serramonte Boulevard.

Assessing Local Roadway Effects

A detailed Traffic Impact Assessment is currently being prepared to assess these changes and how they will effect the local street network. Where impacts to these roadway facilities are identified, improvement measures will be developed and proposed. The intersection of Serramonte Boulevard and Campus Drive will be a safe, pedestrian-oriented intersection with a new traffic signal. 


Context Map Showing Surrounding Roadways


The school district seeks to “right-size” the supply of parking in relation to parking demand, based on best engineering available data, reflective of comparable projects and trends reducing overall reliance on parking and auto travel. Parking will be on-site for residents, guests, and retail customers to avoid “overflow” parking in nearby neighborhoods. Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies will be used to ensure adequate parking for all uses. 


We want to ensure a green and healthy environment for families and our community. We are planning green buildings with sustainable, energy efficient and resource conserving operations and performance. Buildings will be designed and constructed to reduce our carbon footprint and ensure healthy indoor air quality. Buildings will have roof top solar panels, electric vehicle charging stations, water conservation, waste management, alternative transportation options and green materials. Landscapes will feature storm water treatment gardens, drought tolerant landscapes, street trees to reduce heat island effects, and pedestrian-oriented design.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following are frequently asked questions about the project. If you have a question that is not answered below, please contact JUHSD Project Manager Tina Van Raaphorst at or April Hawkins at

JUHSD currently experiences a high faculty and staff turnover rate of over 20% per year. Furthermore, due to the State’s annual reimbursement structure to districts throughout California, JUHSD is unable to offer a fully competitive compensation package when compared to many of the adjoining school districts, placing an undue burden on JUHSD and in turn, the community it serves.

The Faculty and Staff Housing is Phase 1 of the Serramonte Del Rey Neighborhood and will go a long way towards addressing this frequent turnover that prevents the faculty and staff from developing the collaborative relationships with their colleagues, students, and the broader community they serve. Additionally, further redevelopment of the site through long-term ground leases and/or joint venture agreements will contribute to a much-needed on-going and long-term revenue source for the District, which will help attract and retain highly qualified employees by providing competitive salaries, and fund additional educational and enrichment programs and the services needed for the education of students.

The Serramonte Del Rey Neighborhood will include many public amenities open to the residents onsite as well as from the surrounding community. These public amenities include a community room that can be used for hosting events and gatherings and a network of public parks and open spaces. Public parks and open spaces include a 1.0-acre park at the heart of the site (Neighborhood Square), a 1.1-acre overlook plaza and park at the crest of the site’s hillside overlooking Daly City and beyond, a fenced dog park, a trail loop around the site with integrated viewing areas and fitness opportunities, and a nature trail along the site’s hillside.

Students in grades K-8 attend Jefferson Elementary School District at Daniel Webster Elementary School and Fernando Rivera Intermediate School. Students grades 9-12 are served by Jefferson Union High School District’s award-winning Westmoor High School.

The Serramonte Del Rey Neighborhood includes approximately 10,000 to 14,000 square feet of neighborhood-serving retail with on-site customer parking, located at the site’s entrance off of Serramonte Boulevard. Examples of potential ground floor retail uses include a coffee/tea shop, flower shop, dry cleaning, ATM/credit union, deli and specialty restaurant, hairdresser/barber, and exercise program.

Pedestrian and bicycle facilities will be provided on all streets within the Serramonte Del Rey Neighborhood. Bicycle facilities will include Class II buffered bike lanes along Campus Drive East and other streets will include Class III bike “sharrows” (bicycle markings on vehicle lanes indicating the lane is for shared use). Sidewalks will also be provided on every street with curbside landscaping. The trail loop will also serve as a means to provide pedestrian access around the site that is separated from vehicles and in a more natural setting.

Multi-level garage parking is proposed on every parcel, which provides parking for future residents and their guests. Additionally, on-street parallel parking will be provided on both sides of the street on Campus Drive West and Campus Drive East (either side of Parcel E).

Yes, the development of the proposed project is expected increase vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic on Serramonte Boulevard in the vicinity of the site. The proposed residential and supporting retail land uses will generate additional traffic over and above the current underperforming land uses to be replaced. In addition, the project will open up a north-south through route for traffic to pass through the site via an extension of Campus Drive from the south. While this route will be fairly low speed, it will likely serve some local north-south traffic that currently uses Callan Boulevard or Sir Francis Boulevard. A detailed Traffic Impact Assessment is currently being prepared to assess these changes and how they will effect the local street network. Where impacts to these roadway facilities are identified, improvement measures will be developed and proposed.

Most buildings will range in building heights of 5 to 7 stories tall (55 to 75 feet). Buildings along Campus Drive East and Campus Drive West will have taller high rises ranging from 12 to 14 stories tall (122 to 145 feet). These high rises would be aligned with the narrow dimension in the east-west direction with wider building faces oriented towards the north and south directions, to capitalize on north and south views from the buildings and to minimize obstruction of views from uphill neighbors.  

The District’s proposal for Phases 2 and beyond of the Serramonte Del Rey Neighborhood will provide up to 123 units of affordable rental housing, slightly exceeding the City of Daly City’s 10% below market rate rental housing requirement. Combined with the Faculty and Staff Housing (Phase 1) which delivers an additional 122 low- and moderate-income rental housing units, the overall affordable housing total is 20% of the project.

The existing demonstration garden will be demolished as part of the project to provide space for new housing on Parcel F.


Head Start has been a long-term tenant at Serramonte Del Rey. JUHSD is committed to working with Head Start to accommodate a long-term home on-site for the preschool. The site plan provides for Head Start’s program and integrates well into the overall plan (on Parcel D2). It is JUHSD’s understanding that Head Start will apply for federal funding to design and construct their new facility on-site. JUHSD is committed to supporting Head Start’s effort to fundraise and build their facility. To accommodate vehicle access and placement of utilities during future phases of and the site’s construction, Head Start may need to find a temporary location offsite. JUHSD is committed to providing as much advanced notice as possible to Head Start to ensure a smooth transition.